Print button is very helpful and useful for visitors. and facilitate visitors who are interested and want to save directly to posts.example andrastorm blog using these tools provide for visitors to directly print postings that might be useful.
For example, see the picture below
For example, see the picture below
To try, click the print button as it has been in described in the picture above.
The following is the code for print button.
Apart form the link as I explained above, there is also a place this facility in the form of buttons, code like this:
the result will be like this (try to click to prove it!):
May be useful and good luct.
About the Author : Andra Permana Halim. Bekerja pada Sebuah ISP terbesar di Indonesia. Sangat menyukai Semua hal di bidang Informatika. Sesekali menulis Tentang Keseharian dan wawasan yang banyak di jumapainya.
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