Blogger has launched a new widget, the label cloud. label cloud has an attractive appearance. and very different from the previous version of the label.
If you are interested, and wanted to use this new label, follow the steps below:
- Please login to blogger with your ID.
- Click Layout
- Click Add a Gadget (if the existing label gadgets in your blog, just click the Edit Only)
- Click the plus sign (+) to Label:
- Tick the option for Cloud:
- click the save button, and see your new label.
Good luct !!!
About the Author : Andra Permana Halim. Bekerja pada Sebuah ISP terbesar di Indonesia. Sangat menyukai Semua hal di bidang Informatika. Sesekali menulis Tentang Keseharian dan wawasan yang banyak di jumapainya.
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