For those of you who have done some of the settings as the previous post, the next steps that need to mate to do is choose a template. Glance is a template template designs web pages or blog and all its components (eg images, stylesheets, etc.) file either static or dynamic files that a program or application running as a web application. As my friend see now, as the banner above, white background, the columns to the right, and all you see now is one form of the template design. Selecting a beautiful template is necessary, because the view is interesting template for the view it will make the visitors of our blog to be at home for a long time in our blog but of course the content of our blogs are also very supportive.
selection steps template on
- Please login first ye
- Click the "Layout" (if you're using new blogger), or click the "Template" (if you're using a classic template).
- Click "Pick New Template", please you choose a template that you like. Before deciding to select "template" is, you should see the first one at which the sample layout provided a way to click on "preview template". If the taste has found the most you like, please click on "Save template" which is on the right top, finished.
Maybe you've visited a few blogs on the Internet that use (blogspot), but the template is in use is not in the choice when selecting a template. This is the possibility that the template in the template used was made not from bloggers themselves. On the Internet many sites that provide free templates for use in Blogger (blogspot), If you'd like to see the various templates made not from please
click here.
For those of you who have done some of the settings as the previous post, the next steps that need to mate to do is choose a template. Glance is a template template designs web pages or blog and all its components (eg images, stylesheets, etc.) file either static or dynamic files that a program or application running as a web application. As my friend see now, as the banner above, white background, the columns to the right, and all you see now is one form of the template design. Selecting a beautiful template is necessary, because the view is interesting template for the view it will make the visitors of our blog to be at home for a long time in our blog but of course the content of our blogs are also very supportive.
selection steps template on
- Please login first ye
- Click the "Layout" (if you're using new blogger), or click the "Template" (if you're using a classic template).
- Click "Pick New Template", please you choose a template that you like. Before deciding to select "template" is, you should see the first one at which the sample layout provided a way to click on "preview template". If the taste has found the most you like, please click on "Save template" which is on the right top, finished.
Maybe you've visited a few blogs on the Internet that use (blogspot), but the template is in use is not in the choice when selecting a template. This is the possibility that the template in the template used was made not from bloggers themselves. On the Internet many sites that provide free templates for use in Blogger (blogspot), If you'd like to see the various templates made not from please
click here.
About the Author : Andra Permana Halim. Bekerja pada Sebuah ISP terbesar di Indonesia. Sangat menyukai Semua hal di bidang Informatika. Sesekali menulis Tentang Keseharian dan wawasan yang banyak di jumapainya.
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