, Cirebon: Residents of Cirebon, West Java, recently, the commotion with the release of a video nasty in the social networking site Facebook. Presumably, players are sales promotion girl shopping center in Cirebon.
In the video duration was 35 seconds, the lovers unite in love looking in the car. Inevitably, it invites a reaction from the Faceboker, Facebook users, in Cirebon. Moreover, the video was released by writing the SPG Cirebon.
According to one facebookers Cirebon, Faisal, said she saw the video nasty of the wall of his friends are curious. Because this action allegedly dilakoni SPG Cirebon using the account name Lutfie Andriani.
The police, who know what happened, still reluctant to comment on. Section, the case was still under investigation. Perpetrators will soon be secured in the resort town of Cirebon Police Headquarters. (Abdul Jalil Hermawan / RAS)
by :, Cirebon: Residents of Cirebon, West Java, recently, the commotion with the release of a video nasty in the social networking site Facebook. Presumably, players are sales promotion girl shopping center in Cirebon.
In the video duration was 35 seconds, the lovers unite in love looking in the car. Inevitably, it invites a reaction from the Faceboker, Facebook users, in Cirebon. Moreover, the video was released by writing the SPG Cirebon.
According to one facebookers Cirebon, Faisal, said she saw the video nasty of the wall of his friends are curious. Because this action allegedly dilakoni SPG Cirebon using the account name Lutfie Andriani.
The police, who know what happened, still reluctant to comment on. Section, the case was still under investigation. Perpetrators will soon be secured in the resort town of Cirebon Police Headquarters. (Abdul Jalil Hermawan / RAS)
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About the Author : Andra Permana Halim. Bekerja pada Sebuah ISP terbesar di Indonesia. Sangat menyukai Semua hal di bidang Informatika. Sesekali menulis Tentang Keseharian dan wawasan yang banyak di jumapainya.
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