Bandung - Vibrations caused by an earthquake measuring 6.0 Richter felt in Bandung on Tuesday (18/05/2010), at around 19:00 pm to make some people panic and get out of Bandung.
"Hypocenter felt. It also houses shook," said one resident Street Batununggal Waas, Elis Sukaesih (27), when contacted detikbandung.
He explained the situation to make dozens of topsy-turvy to leave their homes. "People came running from the house. It's dozens of residents on the outside," he said.
It is also felt by employees of Telkom Rajawali that trickle out of the building as he felt the vibrations.
"Yes if only the vibrations but it's quite surprising, we all scattered, first and second floor, because who knows his own, although small earthquake risks," he said.
Meanwhile, Head of Research & Geophysics Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) Murjaya Jaya said the quake's epicenter occurred at 147 kilometers southeast of Sukabumi. Strength or magnitude of an earthquake of 6.0 on the Richter scale.
Presented Jaya, earthquake occurred at 18:59 pm. 8:22 headquarters in the southern latitude and 107.21 east longitude. "6.0 Magnitude on the Richter scale with a depth of 13 kilometers and 147 kilometers southeast of Sukabumi," Jaya said.
According Jaya earthquake strength is at middle. "We continue to monitor developments, whether or not there are aftershocks," he said.
(Avi / Ern)
By :
Detik Bandung
Bandung - Vibrations caused by an earthquake measuring 6.0 Richter felt in Bandung on Tuesday (18/05/2010), at around 19:00 pm to make some people panic and get out of Bandung.
"Hypocenter felt. It also houses shook," said one resident Street Batununggal Waas, Elis Sukaesih (27), when contacted detikbandung.
He explained the situation to make dozens of topsy-turvy to leave their homes. "People came running from the house. It's dozens of residents on the outside," he said.
It is also felt by employees of Telkom Rajawali that trickle out of the building as he felt the vibrations.
"Yes if only the vibrations but it's quite surprising, we all scattered, first and second floor, because who knows his own, although small earthquake risks," he said.
Meanwhile, Head of Research & Geophysics Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) Murjaya Jaya said the quake's epicenter occurred at 147 kilometers southeast of Sukabumi. Strength or magnitude of an earthquake of 6.0 on the Richter scale.
Presented Jaya, earthquake occurred at 18:59 pm. 8:22 headquarters in the southern latitude and 107.21 east longitude. "6.0 Magnitude on the Richter scale with a depth of 13 kilometers and 147 kilometers southeast of Sukabumi," Jaya said.
According Jaya earthquake strength is at middle. "We continue to monitor developments, whether or not there are aftershocks," he said.
(Avi / Ern)
By :
Detik Bandung
About the Author : Andra Permana Halim. Bekerja pada Sebuah ISP terbesar di Indonesia. Sangat menyukai Semua hal di bidang Informatika. Sesekali menulis Tentang Keseharian dan wawasan yang banyak di jumapainya.
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